After years of use, how is your smile? Does it convey your inner confidence? Are you proud of it? When someone whips out their phone to take a picture, do you flash a wide smile showing your teeth? There could be a number of issues that could impact your smile, such as tooth decay, periodontitis […]
Dental bridge
Why is the 4-Step Tooth Implant Timeline Necessary?

If you’ve visited our website before you know that implants are the preferable tooth restoration for most people with a missing tooth. The dental implant process can take several dental visits over a period of months. Don’t let this discourage you. Each stage of the procedure is critical. Remember that the tooth implant timeline is […]
Isn’t a Dental Bridge as Good as an Implant for a Knocked-out Tooth?

At Neal C. Johnson DMD in Billings MT, we treat dental emergencies such as a knocked-out tooth. Patients who have suffered an injury that either knocks out a tooth or severely damages the tooth have a couple options for tooth replacement. In today’s message, we will discuss a tooth replacement option we offer: dental bridges. […]
Bridging The Gap

Do you have a missing tooth that is detracting from your otherwise nice teeth? Let Neal C. Johnson DMD in Billings fill the gap for you and help you get your brilliant smile back! A dental bridge could be the perfect solution. A bridge incorporates two or more crowns on either side of the gap […]