Have you ever gotten a steal on a used car that turned out to be a lemon? After a couple of years of endless repairs, you realize that it ended up costing as much as a new automobile would have. And after spending all that money, you still have a lemon. The Billings Dentist knows […]
Restorative dentistry
Remake Your Smile With Bonding And Shaping
Hello, friends of the Billings Dentist! When you think about getting into shape, your teeth are probably not the first body parts that come to mind. But your Billings dentist may be able to improve your smile with bonding and enamel shaping, and you won’t even have to join a gym! I’m Dr. Neal Johnson, […]
This Is The Year For A New Smile!
Hello! Welcome to our dental blog. At Neal C. Johnson DMD we create total smile makeovers for our patients. If you are not familiar with the latest dental advances, you might not realize what cosmetic dentistry can do for you. If you are not satisfied with your smile or are embarrassed by the condition of […]
5 Reasons to Schedule a Dental Cleaning Today
Visiting your dentist regularly is an important part of your self-care. Here are 5 reasons to schedule an appointment with the Billings Dentist. 1. Protect Your Gums It’s not only severe decay that can damage a tooth until it is beyond saving. Gum disease that leads to bone loss is just as dangerous. Gum disease […]
Go Back In Time
So you’ve lost some teeth and now hesitate to smile because of the gaps. If only you could go back in time and recover that full-toothed smile you once had. Guess what? With dental implants from the Billings Dentist, you can! For most patients, a tooth implant is the ideal replacement for both the root and crown […]
Chipped Tooth? No Need To Panic
There are basically two ways to handle a chipped tooth: 1. Panic. 2. See Dr. Neal Johnson right away and get on with life. Dr. Neal Johnson at Neal C. Johnson DMD can fix a chipped tooth in a jiffy by determining the right solution and expertly performing the procedure. Decay, missing teeth, braces, and […]
Dental Implants Are Truly Life-Changing
After years of use, how is your smile? Does it convey your inner confidence? Are you proud of it? When someone whips out their phone to take a picture, do you flash a wide smile showing your teeth? There could be a number of issues that could impact your smile, such as tooth decay, periodontitis […]
Healthy Living Starts With A Smile
What comes to mind when you hear the term “healthy living?” A dinner plate with a grilled chicken breast and carrot sticks? The sound of your feet rhythmically hitting the ground on your favorite jogging path? A cholesterol test indicating that your arteries are looking good? If you pictured a white, healthy smile or a […]
A Facelift For Your Teeth?
Today’s post from the Billings Dentist focuses on an effective and versatile cosmetic dental procedure—porcelain veneers. Veneers are individual covers for the front part of teeth. They are a phenomenal way to repair a myriad of tooth imperfections such as chips, stains, yellowing, unattractive shapes, or minimal misalignment. Have you ever wished for a minimally […]
Tooth Whitening For A Whiter Smile
When it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Billings, tooth whitening is one of the easiest and most rewarding procedures. There are a lot of tooth-whitening options for those of us in the Billings area. How do you find a good teeth whitening procedure in Billings? Visiting your local Billings dentist is a good start! Whitening […]