What comes to mind when you hear the term “healthy living?” A dinner plate with a grilled chicken breast and carrot sticks? The sound of your feet rhythmically hitting the ground on your favorite jogging path? A cholesterol test indicating that your arteries are looking good? If you pictured a white, healthy smile or a […]
Dental health
Tooth Whitening For A Whiter Smile
When it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Billings, tooth whitening is one of the easiest and most rewarding procedures. There are a lot of tooth-whitening options for those of us in the Billings area. How do you find a good teeth whitening procedure in Billings? Visiting your local Billings dentist is a good start! Whitening […]
5 Critical Things To Know About Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease, typically called gum disease, is inflammation or infection of the gums. For the most part, periodontal disease is preventable. This condition is so common in the US that it has been called a ‘health crisis’ by the ADA. Fortunately, periodontal disease can be treated. If left untreated, it can cause irreversible damage such […]
3 Ways To Minimize Candy Intake At Parties
Lock yourself in a closet. Sew your mouth shut. Wear a shock collar that’s sensitive to sugar particles. At Neal C. Johnson DMD we understand how hard it is to avoid sweets altogether at Halloween and other sugar-filled holidays. We encourage both unfettered joy and healthy living for all of our Billings patients. Moderation in […]
The Link Between Gum Disease and Viral Infections
Our Immune System Protects Against Serious Illness The pandemic has increased public awareness of the danger of viruses and the importance of a well-functioning immune system. At the Billings Dentist, we want our patients to know the difference between helpful and harmful bacteria. The variation in the severity of COVID-19 illness is due, […]
What Does Your Saliva Reveal?
Dentists know that a mouth examination can reveal problems in other parts of the patient’s body. Because many diseases manifest in soft tissues of the mouth or cause pain in the jaw, dentists often refer patients to their medical doctor for further diagnosis when they encounter issues such as inflammation, chronic bad breath, bleeding gums, […]
The Unsung Heroes Of Dentistry
In today’s post, we will veer a bit off the beaten path, so to speak, and explore a fascinating dental specialty; forensic dentistry. The official term for the use of dentistry in criminal cases and post-mortem identification is forensic odontology. These professionals are rarely recognized but play a crucial role in crime and disaster investigations. […]
Avoiding Tooth Decay in Billings Montana
Tooth decay is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages in Billings Montana. Tooth decay is caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth. That plaque can harbor bacteria that produce acid. This acid can erode the enamel of your teeth which leads to cavities and tooth decay. The impact of […]
Trouble Getting Numb For Dental Treatment?
Our bodies work differently. Some dental patients don’t react to local anesthetics by getting numb. This is understandably concerning when you need dental treatment. (And the word “concerning” may be a huge understatement!) It’s important to understand that bad experiences in the past don’t guarantee that you will never be able to become numb. At […]
Oral Health Concerns for Billings, MT Diabetics
According to the CDC, over 34 million Americans have diabetes. Perhaps you are one of them. Let’s talk about oral health for diabetics. Many Billings men and women with diabetes have dental problems. However, gingivitis (gum disease), and cavities are not unavoidable for those affected by diabetes. Blood Sugar and Oral Health Blood sugar is […]